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Medify Air Blog

4 Microorganisms Commonly Found in Air

When we talk about air pollution, we mostly talk about chemical components, like dust, dander and dirt that lurk in the air around us. We usually talk about the adverse effects of these air...

Air Pollution and Weight Gain: Is There Any Correlation?

Weight gain is a major health concern amongst Americans. No matter how much some people try, it can be especially difficult for them to lose excess weight.

3 Things to Avoid When Buying an Air Purifier

Are you looking to buy an air purifier for your home or office? If so, you might be searching for the best air purifier online. With so many options available now, you might have a hard time deciding...

Combat Sick Building Syndrome with Air Purifiers

Have you ever heard of “Sick Building Syndrome”?

Alleviate COPD Symptoms with the Right Air Purifier

With a rapid decrease in air quality, there has been an increase in respiratory disorders in the US. Tiny harmful particles circling through the air constantly can affect our respiratory system...

Tips to Align an Air Purifier with Your Room Decor

Buying a home air purifier is the best decision you can make for your family. There has been a sudden increase in indoor pollution for a variety of different reasons. For example, using...

6 Mistakes That Worsen Your Indoor Air Quality

Did you know that most people spend 90% of their time inside their home?

5 Benefits of Air Purifiers for Seniors

Air purifiers can actually make a big difference in the health and quality of life for individuals in their golden years. Here are 5 advantages that air purifiers offer senior citizens.

Modern Senior Living: Upgrades that Make a Difference

The American population is aging rapidly. In fact, by 2030 all baby boomers will be 65 or older. That’s one reason for the increase in senior community residence. This fact necessitates a change in...

Why More Hotels are Adding Air Purifiers

Between COVID-19, global warming, wildfires, and overall poor air quality, concerns about air quality have grown in recent years. Many highly populated areas have instituted new rules and...