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Skylar Morris

How Does an Air Purifier Remove Dust from Your Home?

So, you ran your finger through the side table in your bedroom, shocked by how much dust has accumulated. Your finger is quite literally caked with dust! You probably went to wash your hands and wipe...

Everything Pet Owners Need to Know About Air Purifiers

Pet owners understand the importance of companionship! Dogs and cats just make life better— from boosting our mental health to helping us improve our physical health through trips to the parks, runs,...

10 Steps to Improve Air Quality at Work

Where do most people spend their time? Is it at home or in the office?

Does Air Pollution Increase Your Chance of Getting the Flu?

Do you live in a highly polluted area? If so, you might be at a higher risk of contracting the flu.

Air Quality Effects Your Sleep: Here’s How!

How many hours do you sleep every night? Do you wake up even more tired in the morning?

8 Sources of Indoor Air Pollution You May Not Know About

When most people talk about pollution, we think about outdoor pollution due to things like vehicles, industrial smoke, factories, and wildfires. However, did you know that air in your home or office...

Can Air Purifiers Prevent Asthma? Here's What You Need to Know

Do you struggle with asthma? If so, you might already know how difficult it can be to live your daily life when the tiniest of allergens can trigger your asthma.

4 Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Bedroom

Most people spend a lot of time in their bedrooms. Whether it is getting ready for the morning, studying, working, spending time with friends, or sleeping. Bedrooms are often the most used spaces in...

3 Critical Features to Look for in an Air Purifier

Do you or your family members frequently catch colds? Or do any of your allergy symptoms heighten even when it is not allergy season? If so, you might have poor indoor air quality as a result of...

Tips to Buy the Right Air Purifier for Large Rooms

Clean air is vital to ensure our health. However, most people spend their waking life either in their homes or office spaces— both of these locations are prone to accumulating dust, dirt, pollutants,...